Thursday 3 January 2013

taking a time out.

There's not a day that goes by, I don't think, when I haven't said to someone, "I got to go and be with Jesus for a while." And I was thinking about this quite a bit and then a friend of mine shared with me how this sort of sounds a little odd. Jesus is everywhere, He is around all day and all time, so why say you need time with Him? And I just said that I don't really have any other name to call this! I just say it so that others are aware that I am unavailable, giving a quick and good reason. I crave this one-on-one time to put every bit of focus on my Holy Dad for a few minutes, or hours. I feel called to take a time out from everything worldly and just be with Abba.
I know that God is everywhere in my life. I see this so much and so I know it is true, but I feel all those other times it is God calling to me and asking for me and for my attention. He is working in me.
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." {Jeremiah 33:3}
So I take some personal time to call back to Him and invite Him in this place. To give thanks or rejoice in a victory. To ask for forgiveness or just giggle like a child. On my little rooftop, in my sanctuary, on a hiking trail or just in a church parking lot. It is recognition, I am telling God that He is important to me and He is center in my life and definitively worth these 10 minutes, or 4 hours that I am calling for Him. To join with me in worship or dancing or reading scripture. I am sitting down or running around celebrating and receiving all that He is telling me the rest of the time, when I am not timing out from everything. God has a relationship with us. And it needs time like this. To find something that works in ones life to give praise back to the Lord. Maybe entirely different from what I am describing, but something that one is knowingly doing for or with God. I like how I am able to listen for God and know when I should go and be with Him. Saying it out load to others I am talking with makes me feel like I am exampling to them something that perhaps Abba wants with them also. Something to look out for. Hey! God has a great plan and these unsearchable things could use for a good time out...

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