Friday 11 January 2013

Come Close

This is a prayer/poem written by Laura Woodley. I often lay in bed, coasting asleep to prayers like this. By accident I put this one on repeat so I fell asleep and woke up to it, but within those eight hours I remembered the italicized lines and they stuck with me this day.
I was not worthy of You
Oh, but you made me clean
You washed me, you took away my shame
You gave me, all your right standings
All your righteousness
You made me white as snow
And you invited me to come close to you,
And so I come Jesus                                                                                                          Not in my works, not in my deeds,
By your invitation, I accept You, God                                                                                    I accept you, for all that you are,
I accept your mercy Father,
I accept your grace,
There's no more shame
There are no more stains
All because of You,
I come before You God,
I'm grateful,
I am your servant,
I am your child,
And all because you want me God, I come.
I want You.
More then anything I want you
More then anyone I want you God.
And God forgive me for the times, that I have forgotten you,
Or wandered away.
Thank you for rescuing me
Thank you for coming
Thank you that you did not give up,
Or throw me aside

Thank you for your faithfulness and your mercy that is new every morning
Nobody else is like that God, only You.
I come to you in joy,
I run into your arms,
I smile at you God,
I know You smile at me,
Let's be together Lord.

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