Thursday 10 January 2013

Success Principals {exams}

In just over a week I will be handed my formal exams! Man o man, the presser is on. I am sure all of you have struggled with the studying before hand, the cramming, and the late nights. Over my three years in high school I have come up with some strategies to survive this hectic time. This is what I would suggest to the student body!

When on the computer, turn off Facebook. It is the biggest distraction EVER!
Find a comfy spot to sit and study. Not too comfortable though! You don't want to fall asleep.
Have a snack with you that only requires one hand so you can still work a pencil.
Make a study playlist, don't bother with YouTube, it wastes time searching up each song.
Put your phone on silent, is it ever really that urgent?!
Set a time limit for yourself so you have something to work towards.
Take time to stretch your body, it's a mental marathon...
Have a pee break. 
Drink 20 Arizona Iced teas to stay awake.
Dress for success: sweats, hoodies, camp bun head, Buff !
For the dog owners out there: don't leave your notes lying about.
Make sure in the week before exams, you still remember to shower.
Since you will be doing tons of reading and writing, I wouldn't use leisure time for reading and journalism.
Don't get frustrated with your mum....when she comes into your almost focused environment to ask you trivial questions, remember, she means well!
Eat spinach. It worked for Popeye.
Read stuff out load, it helps you remember info. 

And also, I usually freak out on the morning of the exam.....So for those uneasy times.

Getting up is the first step.
Eat something with a balance of sugar and carbs. Don't worry, you'll sweat it off in the examination room.
Wear your bed to school. 
Take a Tylenol ahead of time for the headache you will get half way through the test without it. 
All this and many's one of those learn as you go things. Fun experiences of life.
Good luck and May the force be with you. 

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