Wednesday 12 September 2012

Taking the Plunge

'Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you.' ---Psalm 37:5
 I was at school today and felt God compelling me to say something to this girl in my math class. I have never been good at confronting people that I don't really know, but I couldn't shake God. Say hello, tap her shoulder, prepared your lips, for I will speak through you. I remember one minute being in my seat, and the next I was moving across the classroom to her desk. I asked to sit next to her, she looked up, her eyes looked sad. I could see the tear stains on her cheek. Our eyes matched and without an answer I sat down.
word of the day...Trust

At first I asked her for help with the math problem, I knew what I was doing, actually, in my head I was correcting what she was telling me, she didn't really understand it, but I said that's the answer I got anyway. There was a long time when neither of us said anything, I looked through the worksheets and she looked blankly at her desk. Brace yourself dear one, trust in Me, for I will give you the words to say. Deep breath*
 I lifted my head from my textbook and asked her what she wanted to do after high school. She said she wanted to be involved with Ministry at her home church. She explained that it was something that she was never sure about, but that she is placing her TRUST in God. I was blown away! I wanted to hug this stranger, and that's exactly what I did. God is a safe place where we find comfort and strength, but sometimes He tells us to do something that we are terrified and uncomfortable with doing. Trust me child, I will go with you, follow My footsteps.

Like we put trust in Him, this bird placed trust with me. We find comfort in  God.
I told her that I felt God telling me to come over there, to say something, to tell her something, I didn't know what. I refused, but God was persistent and I lay my trust with Him. She started to sob, very slightly, very softly. I asked her why she was crying. Lay your hand on her hand. She said, "I was praying for a long time, for God to bring me a sign that He cared about me, that I was doing the right thing in following Him, being faithful and..." She wiped her eyes and pushed her hair from in front of her face. Tell her! 
I don't remember past this, just that I did let God come through me during that boring math lesson, He led me to another of His beautiful daughters. I am so thankful in this day that He gave me such a great opportunity, because even though I helped this child of His, I was blessed. I have been praying to bring Christ into the school. SUCCESS! It doesn't stop there, but if we all place trust in Jesus, He will speak through us and we will impact others. This is good.

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