Saturday 15 September 2012

Liquid Sunshine

Yesterday was so beautiful...
After a long, tedious trek through the hallways of my school, the last thing anyone thinks about is the weather outside. My mum had told me this morning that it was suppose to rain, but I never believe the weather reports because they use technology and predictions and then tell us what its kinda sorta going to do, up in those heavy clouds, but they can't make it rain. God can change His mind and present the sun right before the first raindrop falls.
Well God wanted the rain to come as planned and it was pouring outside during fourth period. I had a huge smile sweep across my face. I heard it bouncing off the windows and dancing on the roof. It was glorious. I knew that once I left this place, this building anything that had been hurting me or effecting me that the rain would shine down on me. My heart came alive and I danced in the rain, it didn't matter who saw, it only mattered that the One did, and He was rejoicing with me in that moment. I was so glad. It came in great waves of falling water, it looked like a curtain flowing in the breeze. A very dear friend of mine, shared with me a part of a powerful verse, it read;
'no condemnation exists now for those who are in Christ Jesus.'
I felt like Abba was all around me, that even though the rain was pelting down on everyone, I felt like it was shining on me. I was standing in His evident power and He brought me salvation. Right before I got into my Mum's car I heard, this too shall pass, Spring is coming. 
Anything I had been worried about or stressed about, just left me in that moment. He will give you your armour each day, and prepare your hands for battle. He is filled with such GREAT strength and I know that I couldn't get through one day without having His arms to run to. We are all so broken, but this rain that some people take as a hassle or pain, I take as a blessing. He is our provider, He cleanses us and shields us. I will shout 'AMEN' to that, in such awe at His wonder. When the skies are painted grey and the air feels thick, the rain is God's great release to show that we need not hold onto such heaviness and that we have Him for that. The rain is my liquid sunshine. I am always walking in Light!

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