Monday 10 December 2012

Waking in the circle...

I miss camp so much right now, it makes my heart sore! I was thinking about the mornings. Up the hill in the pioneer circle. I went every morning to the archery field at 4am. My chalet mates caught on after some time and thought I was mad to just naturally wake up and willingly leave a warm bed to go into the cold air waiting outside. I loved this most though, I needed to be with Jesus then. Here is one of these mornings....

I wake and the cabin is dark. I peer up and see the opening at the front of the chalet, it is blue from outside, the sun in getting ready to journey heavenward. I slowly climb out of bed without waking anyone. Must. Get. Socks! Okay, and my sweats and thermals. Check and check. I take my bible and pen and tip-toe across the wood floor and down the steps. I go over the many roots that grab at my feet and trip me, far too often. I look up from the ground and see mist. It is hovering over the trail. I look to the right and see a deer in the forest staring at me, he keeps eating, while I keep walking on. The field is so open and green. The large gazebo looks like a most elegant temple. It is so grand and tall. It lays on top of a large rock. I feel strong when I place my feet on this solid rock. I feel like I just walked into His throne room. I sit and face east and view the trees. The sky is pink and orange now. The sun is scaling the trees and beams of light come through the forest and into my shelter. It is so warm on my face. I feel my frost nose thaw and a warm kiss of possibility and love for a new day upon my cheek. This was my meeting place with Jesus each morning. I would sit there and watch as the sun made its way past the tree line, I would sing and talk to my Father for hours until the morning bell. I sketched many sunrises and kept them under a bench for someone to find. Or for some curious squirrel to steal. I pondered for hours about God and I gave up so much to Him, I lied myself before Him, wanting Abba to work in me. There were some people within the camp on my heart that were deep in my prayers and when I could not think of anything to pray, I would just surrender them to God and let Him care for His children. 
All this occurred and it was just past to head back I suppose. I gather everything and hide away my new sketch. The gazebo door closes and disturbs the silence for a moment. It reminds me that sound still exists here. I had found such a Holy place. A cursed ground of weeds and holes. An old structure falling a part. I saw a section of Eden. The remains of what beauty was and had been. And each morning the sun reveals to me it's true beauty. For a second the curse is lifted and I see the garden and the golden temple and the screen windows are stained glass while the ground is even and well kept. This is a blessed land and it was worth every chilly wake up and push out of bed. I redefined 'morning person,'I think.     

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