Sunday 2 December 2012

My Quest

13 days.....
50 bracelets....

Challenge accepted!

My school's Christian leadership group needs funds for the holiday approaching so that we can go out into the community and help out. Lucky for them, I am quite crafty I think, or at least they are convinced that I they asked me to make some bracelets to sell. 
Not too tricky! 
This was our conversation :
"How many do you think I should make?"
"About 50 would be great..."
"Okay, so when do you need them?"
"In 13 days...!"
So I have my supplies and my thinking cap on, how do I produce that many bracelets?
On each one there is going to be a verse attached and I will pray over it for whoever ends up wearing it. 
I am so glad that I am doing this. This sort of job is just what I needed.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain  of what we do not see.
[Hebrews 11:1]

Phew, one finished.....
49 to go.


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