Thursday 20 December 2012

Basically God

I have been thinking lately about the new year approaching and what I want this year to focus on. One thing stuck out to me, "the basics of God". The main and obvious and great things that is God and is always God.
For a while I had been so focused on stretching my horizon and knowledge of this Being, then I thought about it in a more abstract way. A new measure on God, perhaps going backwards with the same growing hunger would benefit me more right now.?
If I were building a grand tower, the first thing built would be a strong foundation, a basic structure. Then the other blocks and bricks and cement to be placed on top. That would be the more elegant stone and creative design. But, over time a once strong foundation becomes weak and brittle. It will crumble if it's not tended to. The builder of such a tower has become quite skilled at the more strategically placed stone, that the bottom seems far too easy to go back and work on. But it is the basic that supports everything else. If the builder does not return to the basics of her tower, then it will fall, taking everything else beautiful with it. It loses it's strength.
The basics of God, of who I am in Christ is so powerful. It encircles all that can be discovered past this realization. All the new things I learn, as amazing as they are, I could of never been able to grasp such a knowledge without first knowing the beginning. Genesis! [1:27] I am made in His image, I am perfect in the sight of God.... Knowing also that God goes with me in trouble and ciaos [Deut. 31:6] The truth in knowing that God will fight for me [Exodus 14:14].....understanding what He asks of me in return! [Ex. 20:1-17] God's name is good, He brings my hope [Psalm 52:9]. To know His son and why He came! [John 3:16].
Simple verses that gave me an idea of who this Being was. An insight to a deeper way of living. Through the basic, I have found such beauty in Him and all His glorious works. Learning new things about God is so great, but there has to be a foundation for it to be placed on. To reflect back on and compare and identify with. God is not simple, He, in fact, has about 4 different dimensions, so I think that without going back and reviewing verses and stories such as these, there couldn't be a stronghold on anything new! Like in history, it must be known before anything else can exist.

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