Tuesday 23 October 2012

only for a while.

I went up to Ontario Pioneer Camp to spend a weekend with my friend, Aliesha. Such a great time and a great break from the crazy world of city and school and blah stuff.
this is what happened.....

packed car.
3 hours later.
arrive in Muskoka.
get lost momentarily.
find Liesh.
bear hug!
bible study!!!
around midnight.
talking occurred.
here ends Thursday.
morning breaks.
meet heaps of people.
my sister through Christ.
met the OE team.
beautiful people.
felt soooooo welcomed. 
friend had to work.
her job is awesome!!!
took the group on a wilderness course and rock climbing.
work ended. YAY!
hike time....
went to Narnia.

looking out from the cliff at Devine Lake
went to the Devine cliffs.
this place was GLORIOUS!
went back. 
this day was a bit of a blur! cant remember much more! 
played some great games with her team there.
these people are crazy! 
I think I love them a lot.
laughed our pants off.
had a purple freezie! 
Manny, Aliesha, Me and Jonas
bedtime doesn't really exist. 
prayed and prayed.

wow. what even happened?
okay I'm combining fri/sat :)
Went for a mud run.
consists of running through mud! duh...
turned into rolling in the mud.
washed off in the lake.
so cold. 
bike ride back to the camp.
even colder.
steamy shower. awwww. 
found out Liesh's boss is so great. 
I thought she was right behind me
Stole his Swedish meet ball. 
Building a great family here...
another friend came over to the camp.
tried to make a fire.
it was raining.
cedar burns when wet. who knew.??
(I did)
smores are Delicious. 
went inside to get warm.
snuggle party!
huge game night!
more purple freezies!
learnt a German game.
it's in between 'apples to apples' and picturica.
hilarious time with these people. 
even less sleep.
Sunday came....
went to church. 
very different from my church!
I liked most parts.
I want the church to stand up as one.
saw parents.

had great convos with Liesh and the others I have gotten to know.
such passion upon these people.
went back.
saw some deer!
packed up.
some of the people there didn't realize I was leaving!
I love them all so much!
drove home. 
here concludes a time spent at OPC.
a piece of my heart is still up there.
it has always been there.
and it will always be.

This was only for a minute in my life, but a memory for all eternity. 

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